Daily horoscope August 18

Aries – daily horoscope You might find that someone close to you needs a hand today, Aries. They could be too proud to ask for help. Don’t let that stop you. If you see a situation in which you can help, do it. Don’t wait for an invitation or request. Simply assess the situation and do …

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Daily horoscope August 17

Aries – daily horoscope The influence of the planetary aspects will bring an end to any lethargy you’ve been feeling, Aries. It’s an excellent day to head outside and do something active. Gardening or landscaping can make great use of your energy and creativity. Fresh air and physical exertion will benefit your health. Even if you …

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Daily horoscope August 16

Aries – daily horoscope Dare to be different, Aries. It’s easy to fall into routines – sleep and eat at the same time, wear the same style, and do your work the same way every day. Before you know it, you’re in a rut. The only way to pull out of it is to decide to …

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Daily horoscope August 15

Aries – daily horoscope This is a terrific time to start some physical activity that takes you outside and gets your blood pumping, Aries. Don’t think this means you have to become the star player at a tennis club. A simple walk around the block every morning may be all you need to feel a boost …

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Daily horoscope August 14

Aries – daily horoscope Changes to your chosen field are indicated, Aries. Ideas from other states or countries might fire your creativity. Your intellectual or artistic interests could take on a new dimension, expanding your horizons and opening new opportunities. You might toy with the idea of travel, perhaps to learn more about these matters. Possible …

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Daily horoscope August 13

Aries – daily horoscope A friend who lives far away might call or email you today, Aries. Your friend may be planning to visit your area and want to get together with you. This should make you very happy, although at first you may worry that job responsibilities will interfere. You can work around it. Mark …

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Daily horoscope August 12

Aries – daily horoscope You may feel like you’re walking a tightrope, Aries. One wrong step will cause you to tumble to the ground. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You may see things as life or death situations when what’s required now is an upbeat attitude. If you insist on making things more complicated …

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Daily horoscope August 11

Aries – daily horoscope Your telepathy and intuition are at an all-time high today, Aries. You should find it easier than usual to tune in to others’ thoughts and feelings. It might be a good idea to control your reactions. Don’t tell others what you’re picking up unless you’re sure they want to know. Your imagination …

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Daily horoscope August 10

Aries – daily horoscope A group with which you’re affiliated may be temporarily torn apart by quarrels among its members, Aries. It’s best to stay out of it. A friend could be having trouble and come to you for advice and help. Don’t let yourself get too frustrated by his or her weakness. This could be …

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Daily horoscope August 9

Aries – daily horoscope This could be a challenging day, Aries. You might receive a call that brings disconcerting news, making you angry or upset. You could be tempted to take it out on the caller, but don’t. He or she is just the messenger. Short trips in the neighborhood could find you in impossible traffic. …

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