Daily horoscope November 17

Aries – daily horoscope Work and career matters could finally bring you the success and good fortune you’ve been hoping for. This may be acknowledgement for effort and dedication as well as hard work. Expect a raise, and increased respect and status among friends and co-workers. Don’t celebrate so much that you suffer the effects …

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Daily horoscope November 16

Aries – daily horoscope Take a more adaptable approach. Go with the flow and let things merge on the foundation that has already been established. You’re holding on tightly to a security blanket. This tattered piece of cloth gives you peace. The threat of losing it frightens you. It’s time to throw it away and …

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Daily horoscope November 15

Aries- daily horoscope You may feel emotionally good but the more you express yourself the more critical others become of your sensitivity. Unfortunately, you may clam up under such circumstances. Hang onto the fact that you have something valuable to teach, but other people aren’t ready to learn. Try not to take it personally. Taurus- …

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Daily horoscope November 14

Aries – daily horoscope It may be hard to find your mental and physical home base. Your mind could be wrapped in a cloud or some sort of imaginative time warp, so be careful how you proceed. Your head is in another dimension and you aren’t paying nearly enough attention to the road ahead of …

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Daily horoscope November 13

Aries – daily horoscope Today you could spend a lot of time running errands. There might be delays due to circumstances beyond your control. You could experience that old mounting frustration. There’s no use fighting the invisible foe. Accept the fact that you may not be able to accomplish everything you’d set out to do. …

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Daily Horoscope November 12 – Dreams and Reality

The day of Aries is now a dual, Scorpio trying to build a bridge today. Daily horoscope. Aries – daily horoscope Your day may be characterized by a kind of duality, there will be things that go very fast, but there will be things where you will get stuck. Get ready for this and while …

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Daily horoscope November 11

Aries – daily horoscope Romance might take a front seat in your thoughts today. You could have some unusual dreams tonight. They might be romantic or they could prove artistically inspiring, or both. Write them down, for they may reveal new facts about you that could make a difference. Your thoughts about money could sway …

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Daily horoscope November 10

Aries – daily horoscope You could have some very strange yet beautiful dreams today. Write them down. They’re trying to tell you something. You could also make an off-the-wall plan to increase your income that may or may not work. Consider all the aspects of your plan and get in touch with the reality of …

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Daily horoscope November 9

Aries – daily horoscope You may be indirectly affected by a struggle. A heated debate having to do with mistaken communication and extreme emotions might devastate your psyche unless you keep up your defenses. The acting planetary energy is forming an arena for emotional turmoil. Whether you want to or not, you’re probably going to …

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Daily horoscope November 8

AriesĀ  – daily horoscope Tension in the romance department may arise for you. You want to get things started in a relationship that’s important to you, yet something always seems to stand in the way of the plan. Instead of trying to sidestep your way into the picture, take a direct approach. If you don’t …

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