Aries – daily horoscope
Have you made plans to have a romantic interest come to your home, Aries? If so, don’t rush to get ready. Your friend is probably going to be late. Events beyond anyone’s control have interfered, and you might have to wait. Don’t make yourself crazy over it. Don’t imagine all kinds of horrible scenarios. Your friend will show up even if later than planned. Have fun!
Taurus – daily horoscope
A visitor to your house may have some juicy gossip for you, Taurus. Perhaps someone is getting married. You aren’t the type to put too much stock in gossip, but your guest could be so convincing that you believe everything. Be skeptical! What you’re hearing may not be outright lies, but it could be exaggerated. Wait until you see the people in question before accepting it as truth.
Gemini – daily horoscope
A last-minute gift that you’ve wanted to buy for someone special might elude you today, Gemini. You could go to several stores and find the item sold out. This could be disappointing, but don’t despair. There are other options. You could order it online or find something else and save this particular item for a birthday. Relax and enjoy your shopping.
Cancer – daily horoscope
Everything may look wrong to you today, Cancer. The house doesn’t look right, the furniture needs adjusting, and you probably aren’t happy with the way you look either. Your perfectionism could kick in and you might plunge into action, determined to make it all right. Don’t bother! There’s probably nothing you can do to make it look right today. Relax. You’ll see things differently tomorrow.
Leo – daily horoscope
A gathering in your neighborhood could attract all your friends and many of your neighbors, Leo, but you may feel a little under the weather and consider staying home. Your energy may be lagging, as all energy does once in a while after a stressful time. It might do you good to make the effort and go. It’s up to you, of course, but enjoy the evening whatever you do.
Virgo – daily horoscope
A quick check of your bank balance might reveal that it’s a bit lower than you expected, Virgo. You probably won’t panic, but you’re apt to feel a little disappointed. Don’t waste time kicking yourself. Money can always be earned. Relax, resolve to tighten your belt a little, take care of the necessities, and stick with a financial plan. Soon you’ll be glad you took action.
Libra – daily horoscope
Working late, Libra? What could be so important that it keeps you from paying attention to your family or partner? Probably nothing! Take a good, objective look at what you think must be done tonight. You’ll probably find that your company won’t go broke if you leave some tasks. Get as much done as you can and then go home to your loved ones. They’re important, too!
Scorpio – daily horoscope
A prayer or meditation group could meet tonight, Scorpio, and you may get carried away with the spiritual dimensions these meditations take on. You feel comfortable with the people in this group, and you’re grateful for the friendship and support they provide. Be with this feeling tonight, and try to hang onto it for as long as you can. It can help you through some rough times.
Sagittarius – daily horoscope
Love matters have been going well for you recently, Sagittarius, but today you could be alone and unable to reach a current or potential romantic interest. This could bring about a twinge of the blues, which up until now have passed you by. Don’t waste time feeling down. Find something to distract you until your friend can come around to see you and you can have a little fun.
Capricorn – daily horoscope
You could go over your accounts today and find that there’s considerably less there than you thought. It isn’t serious, but it can still be disappointing. There could be a new contract in the final stages of negotiation that will prove favorable, and you can find a way to make up for the shortfall. In the meantime, cut expenses so finances stay healthy until the new contract materializes.
Aquarius – daily horoscope
Have you been going crazy with all the demands placed on you? Don’t despair. Reflect on all that’s been going on. Think about where you want to make changes. Once you’ve come to a decision, don’t hesitate to implement it. This is easier than waiting for one big opportunity and doing it all at once. That chance may never come. The step-by-step approach can bring satisfying results.
Pisces – daily horoscope
If you’re currently romantically involved, Pisces, your lover could well go from what appears to be utter lassitude to total passion. This could throw you for a loop, and you might not know exactly how to deal with it. If you’re single, you could meet someone you find attractive but forget to get his or her contact information! Keep paper and pen handy. You don’t want to miss anything!