Daily horoscope March 26

Aries – daily horoscope Words of love, perhaps of a very idealistic nature, could be exchanged today between you and a romantic partner, Aries. One of you could even write a song or poem for the other. This can be a very healing and transformative experience, and could therefore make both of you feel very …

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Daily horoscope March 25

Aries – daily horoscope Delays and frustrations could plague you throughout the day, Aries, especially regarding communications. A young visitor you’re expecting at your home today could be delayed in some way and might not be able to call and let you know. Don’t waste any time worrying. Your friend is probably safe and will …

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Daily horoscope March 24

Aries – daily horoscope A fascinating article you read in the newspaper could inspire you to try to create a mystery story of your own, Aries. Today your mind is perfectly suited to devising plot twists and interesting but complex characters. You could tell the story to children, or you might even decide to turn …

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Daily horoscope March 23

Aries – daily horoscope Your innate charm and good manners have brought you good relationships with both co-workers and superiors, and today you might find that this has served you well, Aries. Authority figures may seem a little intimidating, but hang on to your self-confidence. Hard work and dedication have also brought you some corporate …

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Daily horoscope March 22

Aries – daily horoscope You’re a gregarious person by nature, Aries, and today you might want to socialize and enjoy yourself. You could be overly concerned with your appearance, possibly because you wish to impress a current or potential romantic partner. Don’t worry; they’ll think you look great. You could receive a lot of attention …

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Daily horoscope March 21

Aries – daily horoscope A number of invitations to social events could come your way today, some from people you really don’t know well. Don’t pass them up, however. You could make some fortunate contacts or even some new friends at these parties. You enjoy being around people, Aries, but today you might find it …

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Daily horoscope March 20

Aries – daily horoscope The planetary energy has you feeling a bit sluggish today. You’ll probably want to stay home, surrounded by your books, pets, and plants, yet you know you have appointments to keep and responsibilities to fulfill. Your sense of duty is especially strong. Make a deal with yourself to get the bare …

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Daily horoscope March 19

Aries – daily horoscope You may feel as if people have turned against you today and that they’ve suddenly lost interest in what you have to say, Aries. Maybe this is a reflection of your own inability to truly listen to someone else talking. Look at the collective picture and open your eyes to the …

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Daily horoscope March 18

Aries – daily horoscope Paperwork regarding finances, possibly those connected with your job, might take up a lot of your time today, Aries. You should be feeling especially strong, confident, and focused, so if you’ve been thinking about looking for a new position, this is the day to check the ads. Advancement through your own …

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Daily horoscope March 17

Aries – daily horoscope In an effort to be the brightest and best star on the stage, Aries, you might actually be driving away the most important members of your audience. Make sure that you aren’t putting on different masks with different people just so you can appease those you’re with. Others can see right …

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