Weekly horoscope March 18 – March 24, 2024 – Reversal

Sagittarius – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, due to an unpleasant or misunderstanding situation, the existing harmony in your life will disappear for a while, and all this can bring tension and anxiety into your everyday life. However, in order to restore the balance, you will need to be flexible about a few things and, if necessary, make some compromises.

The second half of the week gives you the opportunity to gain influence and influence others, the big question is what you will use this magical power for in the end. Try to think positively and move in a direction that will not only benefit you, but also your environment. In the meantime, don’t fail to keep an eye on that person who has been staring at you strangely for a while.

Capricorn – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, it may be important to say the right things at a given time and place. Good timing can be of extra benefit to you now, and this can have a positive effect on your personal and even work relationships. Say yes to an occasional purchase in the middle of the week, but only after some bargaining and if the thing does not carry too much risk.

In the second half of the week, you have to decide on an offer that seems favorable. An easy way to make money or get something cheap is always tempting, especially if you hear what you want to hear from the bidder. However, it is not certain that this offer will be the solution. Be careful not to become a victim!