Weekly horoscope April 1 – April 7, 2024 – In a tense situation

Sagittarius – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week will be optimistic and cheerful. It can be a good opportunity to plan a joint program with your partner or family. Now is a great opportunity to make your house or apartment even more homely with a little shopping. If someone offers you an investment right now, be careful. Not everything is what it seems!

In the second half of the week, keep your mind open to new possibilities. You may receive exciting news or have a stimulating conversation with someone. It could easily be that the original idea will not be the most interesting, but what comes to your mind about it. Keep a notebook handy and write down your thoughts. They could soon be very useful to you.

Monthly horoscope April

Capricorn – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week brings stability and calm to your life. And all of this can be seen by the outside world, so expect someone to turn to you for advice and help. During these days, you can be particularly important to your family, and you will have a good chance to finally move away from a deadlock in your tense relationship. However, be careful about a new commitment now.

In the second half of the week, you may feel that success almost falls into your lap, no matter what you do. Maybe it even crosses your mind that what happens to you is a coincidence, but rather think about the hard work that is behind you. What’s the coincidence? Enjoy your success, whatever it is, you deserve it!