Weekly horoscope April 1 – April 7, 2024 – In a tense situation

Libra – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week can be partly about planning and you may easily have to change your ideas, taking into account the changing world around us and the opportunities available to you. However, don’t think that all this can only affect you negatively. For example, you can easily skip a few steps and get closer to a coveted goal.

The second half of the week is fresh excitement and anticipation it can be a period of opportunities. Now you can look into the future and predict what awaits you, and an unexpected meeting can make all this even more exciting. Now is your chance to look into a so far invisible but very important mystery, which proves once again that the world around us is not only what the superficial observer can perceive.

Monthly horoscope April

Scorpio – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week can bring passion and romance into your life, but it also keeps the flame of creativity alive in you. Now you can choose with great sense how to appear in public, and with the power radiating from you, you can treat yourself almost like a wizard. If you were to initiate a new relationship with someone, you couldn’t find a better time to do so.

In the second half of the week, you can achieve your goals most effectively if you excel in intellectual work and use your mind. A series of decisions will soon be waiting for you, and for some of them, the knowledge and information at your disposal may not be sufficient. Get what you need now, you’ll need it soon.