Weekly horoscope September 2 – September 8, 2024 – Unexpected moves of Fate

Gemini – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you radiate some extra charm, which many people will not be able to pass by without commenting. These days are especially suitable for you to get to know each other and nurture relationships, especially if you help with this by giving your appearance a boost.

In the second half of the week, the main role will be played by fast and fast communication, but in the meantime, it is worth thinking responsibly about what information you share about yourself with those around you. Maybe a sudden thought will stir up a bigger storm around you than you expect. Don’t give way to deliberate misinterpretation either.

Cancer – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you will have an opportunity that you should not miss. With your enthusiasm, courage and determination, you can now achieve really great achievements, so when would you want to start something new if not now? These days, your love life can also be at its peak, which can even include a little experimentation.

In the second half of the week, you may find yourself in a somewhat confusing situation, which may cause misunderstandings and tensions, but you can quickly get out of this with openness and honesty. It may also happen that all this is caused by someone’s scheming, who deserves to keep the distance of three steps between you and him.