Weekly Horoscope May 27 – June 2, 2024 – Near the goal

Leo – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week seems extremely suitable for dealing with your private affairs. This is a good time to strengthen a friendship or a current love affair, but also to settle a possible tension with someone. A spiritual companion or a loyal friend can help you in all of this.

In the second half of the week, stress can almost disappear from your life and peace and tranquility can take its place. Your human relationships will now be balanced and your popularity will increase as a result of the efforts of the past period. This period also provides a great opportunity to get closer to someone or to warm up a frosty relationship to an optimal temperature.

Virgo – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you may have to exercise your generosity towards someone who was not as fortunate in certain things as you. During these days, you can count on compliments, gifts, or money, which gives you the opportunity to think about a little extra travel or shopping. Plan wisely in this matter so that you may not regret any of these things later.

The second half of the week can bring you courage, strength and initiative, but you should also make sure that the enthusiasm that characterizes you now does not lead you to exaggeration. If you throw yourself into something too much, you might scare those around you and even make mistakes. Self-discipline and self-control. These should now be written on your flag.