Weekly horoscope May 13 – May 19, 2024 – New realities

Sagittarius – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you can become spiritually and perhaps financially rich, your relationship with someone important to you can deepen, and there is a serious chance that you will earn more income than you expected as a result of your work. In any case, this creates the opportunity for you to make a new decision: What will you use the extra resources you have acquired?

In the second half of the week, a certain topic will engage your attention more seriously, which may include concern for your own future or that of a close loved one. Even if things don’t look too encouraging around you right now, don’t let sadness overwhelm you. There is a way out of the darkness and you will see it sooner than you think today.

Capricorn – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you need to be alert and very careful, as you can easily become a victim of intentional or accidental misdirection. These days, be especially careful if you hear news that is easy to believe because it offers a seemingly simple solution or explanation to a really complicated problem.

In the second half of the week, you can make a realization about your future, which will probably give your expected future a more optimistic tone, but all this can only be fully realized if you remain grounded in reality and take into account how far your possibilities extend. These days, you can count on the advice of someone wiser than you, and you should keep this advice in mind.