Weekly horoscope May 13 – May 19, 2024 – New realities

Gemini – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you feel a great harmony between yourself and your environment, this period can be particularly favorable for holding discussions, negotiations, or keeping in touch with your acquaintances and friends. During these days, you will make acquaintances easily, so it is also possible that you will make a new friend.

In the second half of the week, someone may successfully appeal to your sympathy and help when they are in trouble. In these days, you have a spiritual strength that enables you to take care of others effectively. Feel free to give of yourself, but at the same time be aware if they want to take advantage of you. You don’t have to do everything they ask.

Cancer – weekly horoscope

The beginning of the week brings a sense of inner balance, harmony and satisfaction to your life. A very important and protracted problem may come to an end right now, which will have a liberating effect on you. With someone who is important to you, you will feel a growing bond with each other. This can have a serious impact on the development of your future.

In the second half of the week, freedom and personal success will increase your self-confidence and this will leave a strong mark on your personal life as well. Now you may feel the desire to experiment a little, which will not only affect your love life, but will have an impact on other areas of your life as well. It is also possible that a fresh idea will bring a big change to your life.