Leo – weekly horoscope
An important moment in the first half of the week may be to recognize someone’s true motivations in time, especially if that person wants to trick you into something. If you feel that the person is hiding something from you, or you have any negative experiences related to the matter, take a big step back.
In the second half of the week, the spiritual strength working within you makes you capable of providing a sense of security and comfort to others with your words, actions, and good example. Of course, you cannot take all the problems in the world on your shoulders, but you will be surprised that often even small things and gestures can achieve huge results.
Virgo – weekly horoscope
In the first half of the week, like a true magician, you can easily shape the course of events around you, but don’t let this tempt you to be careless. Someone might be working behind the scenes to make things not go so smoothly around you. Some people can’t stand it when someone else’s life is going better than theirs. Be careful!
In the second half of the week, your thoughts may be occupied by a mystery about a topic that you may have only dealt with superficially. Now, however, you can become a real hunter, as your brain will be able to interpret the information received in much more detail. Take advantage of this period, perhaps a great discovery awaits you now.