Aries should be wary of making commitments, Sagittarius may feel insecure. Weekly Horoscope.
Aries – Weekly Horoscope
In the first half of the week, you may be more sensitive, empathetic, and you will feel the problems of the people around you more deeply than usual. Your relationship with your loved ones and partner may strengthen, and if someone asks for your help and understanding now, they can definitely count on you.
In the second half of the week, an event or a situation that develops around you may only further strengthen your conviction that you need to move to a new level in an area of your life. This period may be about greater commitment and longer-term thinking. However, this is not true of finances. In this area, be wary of making commitments!
Taurus – Weekly Horoscope
In the first half of the week, you need to keep your actions and words in harmony. You should now clearly indicate to those around you how you think about the future, so that they know what to expect from you. This way you can avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary arguments and disagreements later.
In the second half of the week, a joyful meeting awaits you, so you will be overwhelmed by the excitement of anticipation. These days, your self-confidence and attractiveness will increase, which you can even help a little if you pay more attention to your appearance than usual. Don’t consider it a luxury expense even if you have to sacrifice some of it now.