Weekly Horoscope June 3 – June 9, 2024 – The dice may turn

Gemini – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, don’t let your sense of reality fall by the wayside when you decide whether to continue a project you started that didn’t confirm your preliminary calculations. If you are thinking about this, fit it into a bigger picture and try to think in terms of perspectives. You may have to make short-term sacrifices for a long-term goal.

In the second half of the week, your desire for adventure and willingness to take risks may strengthen. Now you can be more easily available for a little flirting, but you can also be more proactive and accepting with your partner. However, you have to be careful with gambling, because now in an exciting situation you lose self-control sooner and you might do something that you will regret later.

Cancer – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week can be about being together. Now you feel the best in company, among your loved ones and they can make you happy, but it’s all mutual, they can also feel truly complete in your presence. These days also create a good opportunity for you to break the ice that was created due to an older tension. Be the one to take the initiative now!

In the second half of the week, you may perceive a threat in a company, which can make you a little insecure. Be on the lookout, but also take into account that you might have just misunderstood something. At the end of the week, you may receive an ambiguous but romantic message from someone you don’t know. You may have found a new admirer, but be careful and give information about yourself carefully.