Weekly Horoscope June 10 – June 16, 2024 – Before Changes

Gemini – weekly horoscope

During the first period of the week, you should try to relax in such a way that your mind is not constantly on unfinished tasks. If you want to rest, then rest! Calm down and turn off everything else. You will see that it will also be comforting for those around you when you finally really relax a little.

In the second half of the week, freedom and personal success will increase your self-confidence and this will leave a strong mark on your personal life as well. Now you may feel the desire to experiment a little, which may affect not only your love life, but also affect other areas of your life. It is also possible that a fresh idea will bring a big change to your life.

Cancer – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week can be a period of fresh excitement and unexpected opportunities. Now you can look into the future and predict what awaits you, and an unexpected meeting can make all this even more exciting. It is your chance to look into a so far invisible but very important mystery, which proves once again that the world around us is not only what the superficial observer can perceive.

In the second half of the week, a minor uncertainty or an incipient drama may upset the moods around you, and you have to be on your toes right now if you don’t want all this tension to cause a much bigger problem than it is worth anyway. Avoid risky wording and be creative in how you defuse a disagreement with some kindness and a smile.