Weekly Horoscope July 8 – July 14, 2024 – Risks and Side Effects

Libra – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you may need your ability to think quickly and your ability to compromise. A decision now involves some risk for you, but you can expect a lot from the result, so the associated uncertainty is worth it. At the end of the week, you will have a good opportunity to get to know someone with whom you have long wanted to have a closer relationship.

In the second half of the week, your desire for freedom almost explodes. You would do anything for some fresh air, both figuratively and concretely. Try to satisfy your desires, or at least manage the situation, and in the meantime you can find out if this is a flare-up in you, or if you would permanently break up with certain elements of your life, including your relationships and some personal relationship.

Scorpio – weekly horoscope

The beginning of the week can be exciting for you, based on a breakthrough in your work. In the process, new opportunities may appear and you feel more and more often that your life could perhaps be going in a different direction than it has been. The new situation may even cause a crisis in your relationship, the averting of which depends on how much your expectations of yourself and the world change in the future.

In the second half of the week, however, everything will come together around you, and you will be in great harmony with the people around you. This period is particularly suitable for renegotiating family matters and also for trying to bring up a possible sensitive topic. You can finally make a breakthrough in an important case.