Weekly Horoscope July 29 – August 4, 2024 – Clashes

Leo – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, an unpleasant rumor may determine the topic of the conversations around you. Be careful and try to be smart about the matter, because it is easy that some of your surroundings do not interpret things correctly. At the same time, you can untangle the real information from the various rumors with a sharp eye.

In the second half of the week, if you dare, you can try something new or get to know someone who came from afar and is born from a different culture. Be open to new information and discover the feelings and qualities in yourself that you may not even have known existed until now.

Virgo – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week can bring peace to your soul, because something, one way or another, seems to settle down and an uncertainty factor in your life will finally disappear. The liberating feeling brings an increased need for you in the spiritual field as well, which your partner will certainly be happy about.

In the second half of the week, you can shape the course of events around you even more easily than usual, but this should not tempt you to be frivolous. You can’t sit back, because someone in the background could easily be working to make things not go so smoothly around you. Some people can’t stand it when someone else’s cart is better than them. Be careful!