Weekly Horoscope July 29 – August 4, 2024 – Clashes

Gemini can get support from an unexpected place this week, Sagittarius can now take a little risk. Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Aries – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week may be characterized by tension, anger and impatience, which greatly increases the chance of confrontation with your environment. If you let the energy accumulating in you go in such a direction now, you can cause damage to your personal relationships in the longer term. Instead, try to relieve the tension working in you with some movement and spare your environment from it.

In the second half of the week, you may have strong initiative and a tendency to take risks. In some cases, this makes decisions easier, but it can also easily lead to reckless actions. Be especially careful when the peace of your private life is at stake in a situation. Think before you express an opinion or suggest something.

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Taurus – weekly horoscope

At the beginning of the week, more good news may arrive, which creates a highly optimistic atmosphere around you. These can be days of big ideas, so don’t forget to keep a notebook with you to jot them down. If you discuss the ideas during conversations and meetings, there is an even greater chance that they will ultimately result in a real plan.

You may spend the second half of the week resting and relaxing, so the days will probably pass in a positive mood. In addition, you will also receive good news in financial matters, perhaps a salary increase or the promise of extra income appears on the horizon. If you want a little extra pampering now, or if you want to buy something you’ve been wanting for a long time, don’t resist the temptation.