Weekly Horoscope July 15 – July 21, 2024 – Closer and closer

Libra – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, try to approach new things and new experiences with an open mind and leave the possibility for someone to come closer to you than before. At the same time, you can return to an old life situation these days, but don’t be surprised if some things have changed in the meantime.

In the second half of the week, someone may successfully apply for your sympathy and help when they are in trouble. In these days, you have a spiritual strength that enables you to take care of others effectively. Do what your heart dictates, but at the same time be aware of those who want to take advantage of you. You don’t have to give it your all.

Scorpio – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, a veil falls and shows someone’s face that has remained hidden from you until now. Whether your disappointment is pleasant or unpleasant, you will definitely not be able to look at that person the same way in the future. The only question is, where will the relationship between the two of you go after this?

The second half of the week is spent with organization, discussions, and negotiations, which can lead to more than one argument. This can especially happen if you represent your arguments too strongly in front of others. Let the others prevail and don’t use too strong expressions. Insulting the other party will certainly not move things forward.