Weekly horoscope August 26 – September 1, 2024 – When the details come to light

Aquarius – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, with freed emotions and full of mental strength, you can easily channel the events around you into the direction you like. Now you can easily convince people that you are right in a matter, and it will not be difficult to put someone on your side in a debate.

The second half of the week can bring unexpected excitement into your life and boost your expectations for some positive event. Now you can look to the future with confidence, which feeling will be strengthened by a chance encounter or a lucky partnership. Make sure that your self-confidence is in place, but don’t trust yourself too much, so that you don’t end up negatively affecting your expected results with an ill-considered decision.

Pisces – weekly horoscope

In the first form of the week, you will instinctively sense where you should go at a fork in the road, and this inner determination will make its impact felt in many areas of life. The inner strength and stability that characterizes you now does not remain hidden even from those around you, so don’t be surprised if you feel that people are almost attached to you and want to spend as much time as possible near you. If someone asks you out now, it won’t be a surprising development at all.

In the second half of the week, make sure that your loved ones feel that you care about them and carry their fate on your heart. Tell them how you feel whenever you get a chance, because one day you might regret all the missed opportunities. Try to create calmness and safety around you now, especially for someone who is going through a difficult time right now.