Weekly horoscope August 26 – September 1, 2024 – When the details come to light

Libra – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you need to think rationally and logically if you want to dispel an ever-growing dark cloud around you. Misunderstandings and malice may line your path these days and you need to communicate firmly, clearly and concisely so that the truth is clear to everyone around you.

The second half of the week may be filled with sadness and a feeling of loneliness, but there may also be some confusion in the field of finances. However, all of this should not result in you withdrawing into yourself, instead, grit your teeth and show yourself and the world that you cannot just be written off.

Scorpio – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, you may have coordination problems in some family or private matter and this may even cause a little tension. It is clear that someone has to give way here and if what you want is not vitally important, do it all yourself now. In the next round, you will already have a winning trump in your hand.

In the second half of the week, life can offer you opportunities to commit to something in the long term. However tempting it may be and whether it concerns personal or financial matters, be very careful. Also think about whether your future self would be happy with such a decision.