Weekly horoscope August 26 – September 1, 2024 – When the details come to light

A sensitive topic will surface around the Gemini, someone may stand in the Capricorn’s way. Weekly horoscope.

Aries – weekly horoscope

In the first half of the week, a strange rumor may be the one that determines the topic of the chats around you. Be careful and try to be smart about the matter, because it is easy that some of your surroundings do not interpret things correctly. At the same time, you can untangle the real information from the various rumors with a keen eye.

In the second week, a third person can test the strength of your relationship with your partner and test your patience. Of course, starting a healthy relationship is not so easy, but it can still cause you unpleasant moments if it wants to. Don’t let that person feel like they can do anything. If you have to, stand up to him and show him where to go.

Taurus – weekly horoscope

The first half of the week gives you a great opportunity to change an old habit or bring a little color into everyday life. Be flexible and open when an opportunity or a favorable offer comes your way, because there is a good chance that it will be the right one for you. Now you can break the ice in a tense relationship, especially if you use a little humor to do so.

In the second half of the week, someone will show you a face that has remained hidden until now. Whether your disappointment is pleasant or unpleasant, you will definitely not be able to look at that person the same way in the future. The only question is, where will the relationship between the two of you go after this?