Weekly Horoscope 2025. March 10 – March 16 – Now you have to act


In the first half of the week, you may be disappointed when you receive something completely different from where you expected support. Be patient and understanding, as it may easily turn out that there is an event behind things that will eventually explain everything. Approach others with trust and forgiveness, no matter how your day turns out!

In the second half of the week, your determination and perseverance will make you capable of almost anything, and if you set your mind to something, you will almost certainly succeed. In the meantime, however, you should also pay attention to correct behavior, as there may be a great temptation around you to choose a solution to a task that could cause harm to someone in your environment.


In the first half of the week, you will have to endure a disappointment, and perhaps your good manners will even prompt you to try to put on a good face. Be forgiving towards others, but if you do not receive a valuable explanation for what happened, it is worth thinking about how you will relate to a relationship in which your trust has been shaken in the future.

You would most like to spend the second half of the week with the person closest to your heart, but life may not always go according to your plans. Your task now is to make the most of the little time that has been given to you and try to eliminate all distractions for this occasion. May it comfort you that you will be able to make up for everything abundantly later.