Daily horoscope January 10

Aries – daily horoscope A close friend or love partner may not be returning your calls, Aries, and your insecurities could well get the best of you, causing you to think your friend doesn’t care anymore. Don’t fall into this trap. Your friend is probably surrounded by a lot of demanding people who need assistance, …

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Daily horoscope January 9

20232021 Aries – daily horoscope Once begun is half done, as the saying goes. This certainly applies to you today, Aries. Yes, it’s true that you have a considerable amount of work ahead of you, but surely you know that you can get it done. Trite as it may sound, making a list (no, you …

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Daily horoscope January 8

Aries – daily horoscope Gloom over the absence of a family member or romantic partner could come upon you today, Aries, and your usually exuberant nature could be far more subdued than is normal for you. You might even spend the entire evening watching whatever happens to be on TV. It would be far more …

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Daily horoscope January 7

Aries – daily horoscope It’s another potentially anxious day ahead, Aries. But you have the power to soothe your ruffled feathers. Physical activity of any sort will calm you down considerably. Even a quick walk around the block will be of benefit. A calmer disposition in the afternoon makes it easier for you to handle …

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Daily horoscope January 6

Aries – daily horoscope You’re apt to be in a very joyous mood today, Aries, and it’s going to show on your face. This isn’t going to go unnoticed by the people you meet. You could make some new friends, and, if you aren’t currently romantically involved, you might actually meet an interesting potential love …

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Daily horoscope January 5

Aries – daily horoscope Someone close to you might not be feeling very well, Aries, and you might feel the need to remain nearby and take care of this person. By all means do this. However, bear in mind that your empathic abilities are operating at a very high level today, and therefore you could …

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Daily horoscope January 4

Aries – daily horoscope While you may feel the urge to put on a pair of boxing gloves and duke it out with your family, Aries, try putting on an oven mitt instead. Cooking a meal or performing other domestic chores will help take your mind off your troubles with your family. If you aren’t …

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Daily horoscope January 3

Aries – daily horoscope You may find yourself thinking of looking for a new job in order to increase your income, Aries. But there is probably no need to take such a drastic step. It’s possible that your boss has been considering giving you a raise – you may soon be pleasantly surprised. If your …

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Daily horoscope January 2

Aries – daily horoscope Don’t take anything at face value today, Aries, especially if it involves money. It’s likely that a friend or colleague will approach you with a deal that is too good to pass up. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the promise of quick riches. Any deal that is presented as …

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Daily horoscope January 1

AriesĀ – daily horoscope This is a great day to start any project that concerns writing, acting, or speaking, Aries. Your creative energies should be flowing freely and abundantly today, and you should enjoy the rush of new ideas that keep popping into your head. A number of stimulating conversations with close friends should keep your …

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