Daily horoscope February 23

Aries – daily horoscope A change of scene is in store for you, Aries. It’s unclear whether or not this is a voluntary move, but it’s clear that chaos and confusion reign over the next few days. There is much to be done. Fortunately, your organizational abilities will serve you well. You don your general’s …

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Daily horoscope February 22

Aries – daily horoscope No sooner do you set foot in the office this morning than you begin to get pelted from all directions with various crises and problems, Aries. It isn’t a very welcome reception. A hot cup of coffee and a warm greeting from your co-workers would be a much nicer way to …

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Daily horoscope February 21

Aries – daily horoscope Career matters could move so slowly today that you just might be tempted to give up, Aries. Don’t even think that way! It’s just one of those days when nothing seems to go right, even though basically everything should still be going very well for you. Don’t expect much progress today, …

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Daily horoscope February 20

Aries – daily horoscope Sex and romance are very much on your mind today, Aries. You’re feeling especially passionate, and your emotions are rich and deep. At times like this you’re likely to want to concentrate on your own pleasure, yet it’s important to be sensitive to your partner as well. Racy novels and movies …

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Daily horoscope February 19

Aries – daily horoscope Uneasy feelings may be plaguing you throughout the day, Aries. There could appear to be no valid reason for this. Everything seems to be going well for you, and no one close to you has anything heavy going on. It’s probably nothing Earthshaking. You may just be intuitively picking up on …

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Daily horoscope February 18

Aries – daily horoscope You can count on a very idyllic and romantic day today, Aries. You’re feeling especially warm and sensual, and you tend to view the partner in your life through rose-colored glasses. He or she is very likely to regard you in the same way. If you’ve been longing for a dinner …

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Daily horoscope February 17

Aries – daily horoscope Today, Aries, you might find yourself getting more irritated than you usually would at the quirks of friends, colleagues, partners, and children. Nerves could be frayed and tempers around you frazzled. At times like this it’s best to remain centered and make the effort to be your usual warm and friendly …

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Daily horoscope February 16

Aries – daily horoscope Your home might need some work today, Aries. You and other members of your household could decide to join forces and get everything done. This might simply involve a thorough cleaning, or it could mean major repairs of some sort, perhaps plumbing or electrical. If the latter, it isn’t a good …

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Daily horoscope February 15

Aries – daily horoscope This should be a very busy day for you, Aries, as communications involving business matters could take up much of your time. These could concern your own goals or those of a friend or a group with which you’re affiliated. Whatever it is, you should feel a strong sense of elation …

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Daily horoscope February 14

Aries – daily horoscope Get-togethers with friends today could prove a bit unsettling, Aries, as someone who attends them could throw out an opinion or possibility that seems rather shocking. This opinion, however, is likely to be based on rumor, gossip, and other misinformation, so it would be a good idea to suggest that these …

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