Monthly horoscope September 2024 – Under pressure

Libra – monthly horoscope

In the first period of the month, you will have to deal with communication problems, the cause of which will be only partially due to the failure of some electronic device near you. There is also a chance that you will become a victim of your own recklessness and you will have to face an unpleasant situation due to a lost letter or a secret being revealed. Look on the bright side of things, maybe this is how fate wants to help you and bring you the long-awaited relief and especially the solution to your problem.

The middle of the month will be ideal for you to work on making money or improving your financial situation. If in order to do this, you may have to take on a little extra work. Make sure that you also take care of your loved ones, so that by the time you rest, you don’t have anyone to spend that time with.

The last period of the month warns you about the passage of time and can encourage you to review what has been accomplished and what is still ahead of you in your life. This may make you tense and anxious, but this will only last for a short time and will soon be replaced by the desire to act. It wouldn’t be surprising if big changes would happen in your life soon, for which these days would provide sufficient inspiration.

Scorpio – monthly horoscope

At the beginning of the month, one of the best periods of the year may occur for you, and this will probably have its effect in the field of finance. Perhaps luck is on your side, but it is also possible that an equal opportunity is knocking on your door. However, remember that nothing happens by itself, you always have to work for it.

In the middle of the month, a calculation may take place regarding yourself and you will feel that a period in your life is slowly coming to an end. You can also make a vow, but you do best when you start right away on something that you have been planning for a while, but somehow you never had the strength to do it. Now you can succeed and you will see, only the first steps are difficult, the rest will come naturally.

At the end of the month, your willingness to take risks may increase and some old inhibitions may be released, which, if you are not careful, can even be dangerous for you. Whatever you do, keep your mind in the right place so that you don’t end up losing what you’ve worked so hard for for so long. These days, beware of strange offers from a flattering person.