Monthly horoscope September 2024 – Under pressure

Gemini – monthly horoscope

The beginning of the month can bring anticipation mixed with excitement and a pleasant surprise. When an opportunity opens up for you, listen to your intuition even if someone tries to talk you out of following your dreams. These days, you can play an important role as a mediator in a family or workplace dispute.

If you are single, in the middle of the month there is a good chance that you will find the perfect partner for the period ahead of you, or even for the longer term. If you live in a relationship, you can count on the blossoming of your existing relationship. These days can also be especially suitable for starting creative projects.

At the end of the month, as a result of unexpected events or news, you may feel anxiety and uncertainty, and during this period you will need to practice your adaptability even more. A misunderstanding can make it difficult to maintain communication with someone who is absolutely necessary for you to move forward. The resolution of the situation will probably be in the hands of a third party.

Cancer – monthly horoscope

An exciting event in the first period of the month can bring changes to your everyday life and reduce the amount of stress that is working in you. Now you can think more freely, make new friends more easily, live a social life, but this is also a good time for exams, discussions and shopping. If you wanted to make a favorable impression or ask for a discount, you couldn’t find a better time to do so.

The middle of the month can be the best time of the year for you in your personal life, as you can now feel attractive and popular, and the power and charm radiating from you can captivate those around you. Don’t be surprised if you get approached from unexpected places these days, or get an offer, and don’t be surprised if one day someone makes it clear that they are strongly attracted to you.

In the last days of the month, avoid taking risks and buying products of uncertain origin, as now there is a greater chance than usual that someone wants to use your openness and trust for their own enrichment. During these days, pay particular attention to law-abiding and decent behavior, because in such a situation it is almost certain that you will not manage to avoid an unpleasant punishment.