Monthly horoscope August 2024 – The recovery

Sagittarius – monthly horoscope

In the first half of the month, you will have a strong urge to look for new directions in your work and perhaps in your personal life as well. This can also lead to tensions, so take extra care to maintain self-control at all times. In these days, you may even be disappointed in someone who is close to you and behaves in a way you would not have expected.

In the middle of the month, someone will consciously try to make your life difficult, but you should try to ignore it as much as possible. Try to react in a restrained way, as it is quite possible that the person’s goal is provocation. He will force a sharp reaction from you, then he will be offended and he will control you. If you can see through it, it will be more fun than annoying.

Uncertainty due to a change at the end of the month brings an unpleasant mood, as you may have concerns about your finances. A commitment can change this, but you will have less room for maneuver later. This is a difficult decision, think it through. By the last days of the month, your self-confidence will be restored and your optimism will also strengthen. The future is becoming more and more hopeful, which is also confirmed by the fact that you may receive news that you have been waiting for for a long time.

Capricorn – monthly horoscope

In the first period of the month, you may be forced to prove your ability in something, but it is also possible that someone will test you or hold you accountable for something. Try to perform well in all aspects, but at the same time notice if someone is trying to force you to make a mistake by deception. Don’t fall for malicious people.

In the middle of the month, you may receive good news and pleasant surprises, which can be a good opportunity to start something important in your life. However, all of this may require serious attention and a bit of bargaining, which you can make more effective if you support what you want to achieve with the other person with appropriate arguments. With your attitude, you can now impress other people around you and your days can turn out to be much more successful than you could have imagined before.

At the end of the month, romance and emotions may be the protagonists of your life, which may take the form of a joint program with your partner, but as a single person, there is also a good chance that you will meet someone who brings new and exciting emotions into your life. No matter how it turns out, pay attention to the other person’s needs and make sure you don’t take a selfish approach to certain things. But you can be selfish in one thing. Buy yourself that long-coveted piece of clothing or shoes to look perfect on that certain perfect evening.