Monthly horoscope August 2024 – The recovery

Libra – monthly horoscope

The first third of the month can be spent in tension, which can be caused partly by technical problems and partly by annoyances due to human errors. During these days, your actions can be strongly influenced by your mood, so you should not plan serious discussions or negotiations. If you can, avoid entering into contracts with financial implications now.

The middle of the month can bring an unexpected development or an unexpected encounter in your life, which can also be a great opportunity if you approach it with a sufficiently open mind. Although these days can bring a fundamentally positive change to your life, there can be difficult moments, especially if you do not inform someone close to you enough about your new plans. A misunderstanding can be fatal now, so be careful.

By the end of the month, the need for change may be very strong in you, and impatience may even make you take an ill-advised step. Try to approach things professionally and don’t let your emotions control your actions. This can be especially important because someone can mobilize serious forces to throw you off balance with their intrigues and malicious comments.

Scorpio – monthly horoscope

In the first period of the month, you can count on inner peace and balance and an opportunity to show your environment certain values. You can count on success and, in connection with this, another chance, but in the meantime you have to smartly assess which opening door is the one that really holds opportunities for you. Be careful what you wish for now, because it may come true!

You may experience difficult moments in the middle of the month, as you may disappoint someone, perhaps against your will. Making changes and incorporating new things into our lives is never easy, and there will always be people around us for whom this will be unacceptable. Make peace with this and don’t let anyone divert you from your own path.

The end of the month can bring success in several areas of your life, which can bring opportunities but also tensions. A disappointment may await you now, when you realize that someone whom you believed was by your side, actually has a very hard time bearing the positive things that happen to you. Envy is the king and not everyone can keep it under control in their soul.