Monthly horoscope August 2024 – The recovery

Gemini – monthly horoscope

In the first third of the month, a success will bring you respect and joy, which you can enjoy together with your close environment. This period will be characterized by growing self-confidence and a positive attitude towards your life, which will provide the basis for an even more perfect, complete and meaningful life than the current one. This is your real strength: You are always able to improve compared to your previous self.

In the middle of the month, the strange behavior of an acquaintance may cause you to stumble, as your positive-thinking self is never really prepared for malice and attacks. Although your first natural reaction in such a case would be anger, it may be worthwhile to handle the situation calmly. In addition, since the other party does not really expect this, you can thoroughly surprise him and take the edge off things at the same time.

At the end of the month, varied news and related fruitful conversations can make your everyday life interesting, and it will all be related to a person whom you have loved and respected for a long time. These days, your personal life can also be full of positive developments, which can be brought about by the appearance of a new partner or the strengthening of an old relationship.

Cancer – monthly horoscope

In the first period of the month, you may take a small inventory of yourself and you will feel that a period in your life has ended and a new one is beginning. You can also make a vow, but you do best if you immediately start doing something that you have been planning for a while, but somehow never had the courage to do it. Now you can succeed and you will see, only the first steps are difficult, the rest will come naturally.

In the middle of the month, perhaps the best period of the year can occur for you, and this will probably have its effect in the field of finance. Perhaps one of your old investments is beginning to fail, but it is also possible that a little luck will mix into the gray weekdays and your number will finally be drawn in a lottery. Of course, this is only possible if you take part in the game. You know, nothing happens by itself, you have to do it yourself.

At the end of the month, your willingness to take risks increases and some old inhibitions are released, which, if you don’t pay attention, can even be dangerous for you. Whatever you do, keep your mind in the right place so that you don’t end up losing what you’ve worked so hard for over so many years. These days, beware of strange offers from unknown people.