Daily horoscope September 4

Aries – daily horoscope

Upsets in the home or neighborhood could lead to a sudden decision to move, causing a great deal of activity. You might not yet be sure where you’re going. Organization and discipline are vital at times like this, Aries. It might be helpful to make lists and cross off each task as you finish it. Don’t panic. This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Taurus – daily horoscope

You could get upsetting news regarding your job, Taurus. There could be a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears about job security, but the they’re probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you’ll probably be better off than you were before.

Gemini – daily horoscope 

Expect to fall in love at first sight today, Gemini. Someone new will come on the scene and you’ll feel an instant attraction. Whether it turns into anything lasting or not isn’t certain, but whatever happens, you’ll remember this person for a long time! You may also have a sudden interest in new forms of artistic expression and want to start learning videography or computer graphics.

Cancer – daily horoscope

The wonders of technology may come to your home today, Cancer. You might purchase some new equipment like a computer or phone, or decide to go for a state-of-the-art home entertainment center. Whichever it is, expect a lot of activity in and around your home as friends come to see your new toys and family members learn how to use them. It will be exciting for everyone!

Leo – daily horoscope

Valuable and interesting information could come your way through modern technology. You might discover new information online that awakens an exciting new interest in you, perhaps related to the sciences, occult, or metaphysics. You could even discover a talent for astrology. Group activities may also be appealing now, particularly those regarding humanitarian pursuits.

Virgo – daily horoscope

Finances could take on a new dimension as you look to technology to help you increase your bank balance. You could decide to invest online or try some new means of recordkeeping. Whatever you try will bode well for your financial future. Expect a lucky break or two as well.

Libra – daily horoscope

Bizarre, unexpected developments might turn your life upside down today, Libra. Money could be involved. New people could arrive who open doors that eventually lead to a new life. You could even fall in love at first sight. It isn’t easy to make predictions for a strange day like this. Rest assured that when you go to bed you won’t be the same person you were when you woke up.

Scorpio – daily horoscope

Today you might be fascinated with movies, music, and video. You could discover a new interest in filmmaking, sound engineering, or videography that you want to pursue. You might decide to read about these fields and apply what you learn to the movies you see and the music you hear. If you’re serious about learning these skills, this is the time to go for it. You’ll enjoy it!

Sagittarius – daily horoscope

You could have a strong urge to seek adventure, Sagittarius. You might want to take a spontaneous trip to an exotic place, meet new people in exciting fields, or try new pastimes, perhaps as outrageous as skydiving. Go for it if you want, but this urge could indicate boredom in some part of your life. What can you change about your lifestyle to avoid future stagnation?

Capricorn – daily horoscope

An unexpected career break could come your way, Capricorn. It should be exciting and encouraging – and a little scary! Don’t let apprehension get to you. You won’t want to let this opportunity pass you by. Your good fortune could arouse envy in some of your co-workers, but don’t let this bother you either. Simply do what you need to do to get the ball rolling and then go ahead with it.

Aquarius – daily horoscope

A trip by air may be in the offing, Aquarius. You may be planning to tour distant states or foreign lands. You could be going with friends or a group you’re associated with. Unusual new interests could capture your attention, enticing you to further study. You might enroll in a workshop. You’re looking toward expanding your horizons. Take care not to spread yourself too thin.

Pisces – daily horoscope

Unusual experiences may give rise to a new interest in the sciences or occult practices like magic or alchemy. This is an excellent time to start perusing such subjects, Pisces, or embark on a formal study of astrology. A lucky money break could come your way today. It might be a gift or a repaid loan. Your inclination might be to go out and spend it all. Take care!