Aries – daily horoscope
You’re feeling your power and strength today, Aries. You’ve worked hard to get into good physical shape. Similarly, you’ve exerted a great deal of energy in your work life and it’s paying off. With today’s planetary energy, you can also expect greater intimacy in your personal life. Enjoy this special time.
Taurus – daily horoscope
The time is right to pursue training for a particular skill or finish a degree in a field of interest to you, Taurus. Presently, great success and good fortune are indicated when you assert your considerable energy and focus on the subject matter. If you’ve been considering honing your communication skills, consider a writing course. Perhaps you want to organize a long-desired trip.
Gemini – daily horoscope
Circumstances are favorable for you if you’re contemplating investment in real estate. Any sort of investment looks good for you right now, Gemini. Be ready to receive a young visitor at home today. You may benefit from a significant piece of mail or phone call. Even if you hadn’t planned on it, you may want to visit an older friend or relative tonight.
Cancer – daily horoscope
Did you forget to take two aspirin before you fell into bed last night? This morning you may feel in a fog, but it should lift around midday. You could be surprised by some heartening news from a friend or relative regarding a difficult situation that is now being resolved. Enjoy the boost of energy that this good news gives you.
Leo – daily horoscope
If it’s true that you reap what you sow, Leo, you’re in for a great harvest in the coming months. Your hard work and focus will start to pay off handsomely with promotions and raises just when you may have given up on being acknowledged for all you do. Hang on to your great energy, passion, and enthusiasm. Doors are about to open for you. Get ready to walk through them.
Virgo – daily horoscope
You’re highly esteemed in your profession because of your strong business acumen and no-nonsense approach to problem solving. Recent successes may be preparing you for the next leap in the progression. Be open to opportunities involving the Internet that present themselves. Remember, there’s no glass ceiling online. Today may be peppered with all sorts of communications from friends.
Libra – daily horoscope
Opportunity may knock for you today from an unlikely source, perhaps total strangers! Use your intuition to follow potential leads. Real estate, particularly residential, looks especially promising for realizing financial gain for you right now. Follow your hunches and see what develops. Don’t let your caution bog you down at the moment. It could be surprisingly wonderful.
Scorpio – daily horoscope
Expect to receive interesting communications today, Scorpio. You might hear from a long-lost friend and have a chance to catch up on the news. Perhaps you’ll hear something about success in reaching a goal you’ve been striving for these past few months. Expect some company. Have a great time exchanging ideas on everything from politics to child rearing.
Sagittarius – daily horoscope
You’re in a great position to reap the rewards from all your past hard work, Sagittarius. In the coming weeks you’ll be able to realize important gains in your career and personal projects. Not only should you see significant advancements in your work life but you’ll also achieve greater personal happiness. You have great momentum, so keep it up and you’ll realize your goals.
Capricorn – daily horoscope
With the current celestial energy, you might be going on a trip, Capricorn. It may be for business, pleasure, or both. It’s likely that this trip will achieve certain goals. Perhaps you’re aiming for a promotion. Chances are you’ll be successful in your ambitions. Or, you may be ready to set out on your own and start a new business. It’s an excellent time for this, too.
Aquarius – daily horoscope
Don’t be surprised if money comes from an unlikely source. It could be a surprisingly good return on an investment or a bequest from a relative. Pay attention to any dreams that seem to repeat. They may hold a lesson about understanding your life path. You may receive an unexpected visit from a dear friend you haven’t heard from in years. All in all, this is a great time.
Pisces – daily horoscope
This is a good time to forge new relationships, Pisces. Be open-minded if someone you know approaches with a proposal. Do your homework and examine the potential risks, but this is a fine period in which to pursue something new. Success and good fortune are coming. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities. You may hear some important news from your love interest.