Daily horoscope September 17, 2024 – You can finally set off on a journey

Libra – daily horoscope

Today, be prepared to encounter resistance or even stubbornness, so try to prepare well-thought-out arguments in case you have to convince someone of your truth. In addition to all this, try to be ready to compromise and think about how far you can go on this path. So that the goat is satisfied and the cabbage remains.

Scorpio – daily horoscope

Today, try to get rid of an element of your life that has been holding you back for a long time and preventing you from moving forward. If you feel that all this will not work on your own, ask for advice and help with this. Whether it’s a bad habit, or even the bondage of another person, until you get rid of it, you won’t get ahead. Today you will have a great opportunity to do so.

Sagittarius – daily horoscope

Today you can get involved in something, perhaps against your will, that you really don’t want to be a part of. Whether it’s an event you’re at or a discussion you’re involved in, don’t let it drag you into the vortex and make you a part of it. Remain cool and aloof, be contemplative, even if you are otherwise emotionally affected.