Daily horoscope September 13, 2024 – A volcano about to erupt

Cancer – daily horoscope

There are situations when the spiritual burden we carry becomes too heavy and we need to share it with someone. Today, a decision to let someone close to you into a secret or share a problem with them may be worthwhile. Don’t be afraid of this! The person will be happy to honor you with their trust!

Leo – daily horoscope

Today, you may have a very strong ability to see into people, sense their true intentions and notice when someone thinks and says something different. Use this power to protect yourself from someone who pretends to be nice and makes you believe that he is doing what he is doing purely for your benefit.

Virgo – daily horoscope

Today you may run out of patience and decide to act after you have been waiting for a long time for a decision or for someone to finally make up their mind. You don’t always have to wait for others! If you know where to go, you can go alone. Then the other one can catch up with you if they can.