Aries – daily horoscope
You’re feeling especially sensitive today. Your intuition is operating at a very high level. With people wearing their hearts on their sleeves now, it’s very easy to tap into others’ emotions. You and your mate are especially in sync, which will make for a wonderful evening. Take advantage of the aspects and broach a sensitive subject you’ve wanted to discuss.
Taurus – daily horoscope
You’re in a fun and festive mood with today’s planetary aspects. Tonight you should plan a house full of people, because you’re going to need an audience. Your flair for drama is working overtime. You’ll have jokes to tell and anecdotes to pass on. Your guests will appreciate the free floorshow!
Gemini – daily horoscope
This is a good day for meditation. You’ve probably been trying to distract yourself from unresolved issues through shopping or eating. Try taking some time today to think about what’s really bothering you. It would do you some good to get outside and connect with nature. Try taking a long walk in a park. You’re much more likely to find perspective there than at the mall.
Cancer – daily horoscope
Your creativity is at a peak, though you may not be aware of it due to your focus on your work and social life. But don’t be surprised if you have a vision, seemingly from out of the blue. You’ll likely feel inspired to stop what you’re doing and paint or write. Excuse yourself and spend some time alone with your muse. You’ll be delighted with the results.
Leo – daily horoscope
Try to be careful of missing the forest for the trees today. You may be concentrating on a detail in your personal or professional life that isn’t as crucial to the big picture as you think. This kind of obsessive thinking is probably keeping you from progressing. Let it go. Sometimes it’s necessary to sacrifice a battle in order to win the war.
Virgo – daily horoscope
You might feel as though your head is in the clouds today. After the frantic pace you’ve kept up at work, your mind has decided to take some time off. People may have to repeat questions several times before you respond. They’ll think you’re funny, and so should you. Try to relax and have fun in your dizzy state!
Libra – daily horoscope
Expect to hear from people you haven’t heard from in some time. Make a cup of tea and savor every correspondence. You could feel nostalgic for the “good old days” when life seemed simpler and more of your friends were nearby. Pick up the phone and give one of them a call. Your old pal will be delighted to hear from you.
Scorpio – daily horoscope
Try to be extra patient and affectionate toward your loved ones today. A child, lover, or pet needs some of the special attention and reassurance that only you can provide. Try to make this a priority over professional obligations. Remember that your loved ones are the most important things in your life. When you need them, they’ll always be there for you!
Sagittarius – daily horoscope
Your intuition is quite high right now, enabling you to accurately tune in to others’ hopes and dreams. This can be a bit tricky in a social situation, however. Someone could be saying one thing when you know they’re thinking something else! Don’t dwell on other people’s thoughts too much. Instead, direct your thoughts to how happy you are now.
Capricorn – daily horoscope
It’s likely that you’ve been feeling the urge to exercise your imagination. As much as you enjoy your profession, there isn’t much chance to stretch your mind and show your creative visual side. With some time off, you could pick up paints and brushes or pen and paper and begin an art project of some kind. With all the houseguests and visitors dropping by, expect encouragement!
Aquarius – daily horoscope
This is a good day to let go. If someone has hurt or disappointed you, it’s time to forgive and move on. Holding a grudge isn’t going to get you anywhere. In fact, it’s probably eating away at your heart and keeping you from moving ahead in other areas. If things are meant to work out with this person, they will. If they don’t, it isn’t meant to be.
Pisces – daily horoscope
Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree today. You’re likely to make impulsive purchases. You may be trying to fill a void or compensate for another area of your life that isn’t going as well as you’d like. Try instead to do a little meditation and bring the real problem into clearer focus. Take a walk or do some yoga. It will do your spirit more good than the mall.