Daily Horoscope May 5, 2024 – Distractions

Libra – daily horoscope

Today, perhaps in your personal life, you may find yourself in a tense situation that usually leads to a dispute or even a fight at other times. But now try to behave differently than usual. Don’t put on gloves, don’t react critically, try to be more supportive. The effect will not be missed.

Scorpio – daily horoscope

Sometimes it happens that we think that everything around us is fine, and then one day it turns out that everything that we thought was fundamental and unchangeable suddenly disappears as if it never existed. Today, you may have a similar experience with someone. Suddenly you ask yourself: Who is this person? I don’t even know him!

Sagittarius – daily horoscope

There are people who are worth taking very seriously, while others are a shame to care too much about. Today it may turn out for you that you may have misjudged someone and it would be worthwhile to get to know that person a little more closely. Today, you are showing a side of yourself that you didn’t even think existed until now.