Daily horoscope May 17, 2024 – Before the crossroads

Capricorn – daily horoscope

Today you have to think very practically if you want to overcome an emerging problem. It is quite possible that your heart will dictate something completely different than your common sense. But now it’s the latter that you should listen to. Remember that you are also responsible for yourself.

Aquarius – daily horoscope

Today, doubts may arise in you about someone’s loyalty and commitment, and you may even start to investigate them. Don’t go down this road! Jealousy, once it eats into your brain, is very difficult to remove. Try to think logically and you will soon realize that your fear is completely unfounded

Pisces – daily horoscope

If you have learned anything in the past period, it is discipline, self-discipline. You did things that you couldn’t have imagined before, you lived like you never did before. This was an excellent self-development exercise! And now that you’ve improved so much, it’s time to use it all for something. For example, to change a bad habit. Get started today!