Daily Horoscope May 15, 2024 – Be careful today

Capricorn – daily horoscope

You rarely speak up when you are hurt, you usually stay silent and sort things out yourself. Today, however, you shouldn’t let someone abuse your goodwill. Show the person that you cannot cross a border with impunity either.

Aquarius – daily horoscope

It is usually very difficult for you to get to the point of speaking out about any inappropriate behavior or disrespect, but today a situation may arise where you cannot do much else. Do what you have to, be firm, but don’t be cruel, unless the person doesn’t understand. In this case, the person will understand that it is a shame to pull fingers with you.

Pisces – daily horoscope

Today, despite all the conditions for relaxing or participating in an event, it may turn out that you cannot do so for external or internal reasons. Perhaps a task prevents you from doing this, which you must complete, but it is also possible that you consider it better to skip the opportunity out of caution.