Daily Horoscope March 11, 2025 – Detours

Libra – daily horoscope

Prepare for a stressful day today, even one filled with arguments, as almost everyone around you will be a little confused and tense. The best thing you can do is to interact with your surroundings as little as possible today and try to stay out of any conflicts. If you have a different opinion on a topic, it’s better to keep it quiet now for the sake of peace.

Scorpio – daily horoscope

Sometimes the time for bad news also comes. Maybe today you will feel disappointed about something you expected a completely different outcome from, but believe me, it’s unnecessary. Your really important things are on track and a little disappointment in an ordinary thing cannot spoil your mood. You will get over this, like so many other things!

Sagittarius – daily horoscope

Today a tense situation, perhaps a personal conflict, may await you, with a person you love and really don’t want to hurt. If so, don’t let your emotions guide your actions, but try to remain calm, no matter what is said. If necessary, feel free to step back from your position, it won’t make you lose your crown.