Daily horoscope February 25, 2024 – Danger zones

Leo may receive sensational news, Aquarius should avoid tense situations. Daily horoscope.

Aries – daily horoscope

If your relationship is burdened by misunderstanding or tension, even though things have been quiet for a while, nothing will definitely be resolved by itself. If you feel that there is no other way, you have to initiate the relief, which of course does not mean that you have to take all the responsibility in this matter. There are two people at the fair now, as always.

Taurus – daily horoscope

You are one of those people who doesn’t like to deal too much with finances and paperwork, but you know that without it, things around us don’t work very well. Throw yourself into the administration today, take care of the things you’ve been putting off for a while and get it all done. You will see what a relief it will be!

Gemini – daily horoscope

Today, someone may take a step that you have been waiting for a while and ask for forgiveness or make another similar gesture in your direction. Unless you want a protracted war, accept the hand extended to you and try to get over it. Anger is a bad counselor, don’t pay attention to it now!