Capricorn – daily horoscope
If you have an unresolved issue with someone, today could be a good time to smooth it over. Try to reconcile your positions and, if necessary, compromise. Look at things objectively, reduce tension! This is the time for reconciliation, use it wherever you can!
Aquarius – daily horoscope
Today, not everything may work out exactly as you would like and as you planned. You may have to postpone or reschedule something, but there is also a chance that you will have to cancel something you had in mind. Since these events occur for reasons beyond your control, there is no point in getting upset about them. It is just as useless as being annoyed by the rain.
Pisces – daily horoscope
Today you may easily receive disturbing news and worry that it may affect your life and finances. This can easily happen, of course, only if all elements of the information are true. Calm down and wait! There is a chance that tomorrow you will wake up to completely different news.