Daily horoscope December 29, 2024 – Facts and hopes

Capricorn – daily horoscope

Today will not be the day when you wake up feeling energized. Maybe even your eyelids, as if they were made of lead, and every part of you is protesting against getting out of bed. Don’t worry! Soon everything will clear up and you will feel that inner fire that feeds your soul from within. Focus on what is coming your way soon!

Aquarius – daily horoscope

In almost all cases, you are aware of what you are looking for in another person. This is exactly what is expressed in you today when you express it all during an argument or a deep conversation. It is important to observe the reaction, because it may depend on whether it makes sense to think about a common future with that person.

Pisces – daily horoscope

Sometimes it is easier to escape from reality into an imaginary world and thereby cover up the problems that we do not have the strength or time to discuss. However, today something may break out from the depths that will make you realize that it is time to face reality. It won’t be easy, but in the end you’ll say it was worth it.