Daily Horoscope August 28, 2024 – The dice are turning

Capricorn – daily horoscope

If it seems that everyone around you is happy and having fun, but only you are depressed, then think about the fact that the fault may be in your device. Don’t let this silly mood trap you, instead trust your partner or a trusted friend. He will know how to pull you out of depression.

Aquarius – daily horoscope

Although today you will probably wake up pleasantly from your sleep and start your day in a dreamy mood, someone will surely make sure that you don’t feel so comfortable in your own skin. There is a good chance that the person will pour out his problems on you and get you to deal with him and pay attention to him. If you don’t want to get into a bad state of mind, only deal with it to a limited extent.

Pisces – daily horoscope

Your mood may be a bit gloomy today, which is not surprising at all, since almost everyone around you has some kind of concern or problem, and they share it with you. However, you can also wait for a relief army, because during the day you can receive good news and everything around you will be cleared immediately. Like when the sun disperses the clouds in the sky.